Wednesday 24 August 2016

...the way the sky speaks...


The afternoon when we went for a walk, because it was not sunny and not rainy but like a soothing hand; like an unmitigated essence of earth, I won’t forget it. The sky was full of clouds of an enigmatic shade. We couldn’t decide if all those clouds would rain in or would just hold on to that rush within. In the horizon the clouds cuddled closer to the hills and draped the city with its hue. We walked together, we all had our hues, but that all pervading shade of depth embraced all of us; I felt like we all are one, we all are part of One. The sky and the clouds, they change the way we see colors; they paint them different.
Did you see how complementary were that green shade of hills and the grey hue of the clouds? But when the clouds could no longer hold that essence of earth, everything turned grey and wet. I felt as if we got connected to the sky.
mystery in the horizon
a depth that haunts and charms
droplets speaking to skin


  1. Oh I do like this! The contrast of the grey and the green, the haiku. Just lovely this is.

  2. iF i could do aWay
    with all words.. witH
    all collective intelligence..
    with all culture.. and what
    is left of me
    the rest..
    mY friEnd..
    iS juSt iCinG
    oN A Cake of GoD FReED..
    i paint freely as onLY arT
    beYond science wiLL

    LiFe.. GoD
    As NaTuRe oNE..:)

  3. I do love the sense of being part of sky... Definitely one I recognize.
